Tout commence à Bel-Air en Anjou, un village de mineurs niché entre forêt et prairies. 2,798 / 5,000 It all started in Bel-Air in Anjou, a mining village nestled between forest and meadows. At the end of the war, after the liberation, the American army left the region, abandoning some of its equipment: tents, camp beds, tables, chairs, pots, a cooler... A priest from the village decided to buy some, with the idea of using them later.
At that time, the young miners, barely 16 years old, aspired to enjoy life to the fullest. They wanted to have fun, travel, discover new horizons. With enthusiasm, they organized themselves: between subscriptions, purchasing equipment and searching for destinations, the project took shape. This is how in 1953, the first "Camp Bel-Air" was born, with Barèges in the Pyrenees as its destination. Each year, a new adventure took them to the four corners of France.
Over the years, "Camp Bel-Air" grew and evolved. Young people get married, start families and come with friends and relatives. Needs change and the idea of a traveling camp under tents no longer suits this growing community. It becomes necessary to find a permanent place to build more sustainable infrastructures.
In 1964, the camp members decide to buy the Chantoiseau property in Saint Gildas de Rhuys. This site becomes their holiday camp which, little by little, transforms into a real holiday village. For 60 years now, this place has continued to develop to adapt to new expectations: professionalization of staff, acquisition of new equipment, modernization of accommodation, installation of kitchens, swimming pool and leisure areas.
In 1994, the Bel-Air camp, which became "Vacances et Joie" in 1961, adopted a new name: "La Pierre Bleue", in homage to the slate miners, its founders. Today, the holiday village is managed by a board of directors composed of 21 members. Their mission is to ensure the proper functioning of the association and to implement decisions taken during the General Assembly. At La Pierre Bleue, democratic governance is a fundamental value. The directors, all volunteers, work for the association.
As in all associations, when the operating result is positive, the surpluses are fully reinvested in equipment, salaries or financing social policy. Since its beginnings and still today, a small part of the activities is carried out by volunteers, which helps reduce operating costs and maintain affordable prices. These volunteers mainly contribute to the maintenance of green spaces and buildings, as well as the organization of certain activities.