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Group rate
Price from €609per adult in full board (8 days / 7 nights)
Free for 20 paying people.
We offer you the possibility to select from our pre-established stays or to create your own tailor-made stay.
For any request for information or customization, please contact Marie, our “groups” specialist, on 02 97 45 23 28 or by e-mail at commercial@lapierrebleue.com .
La Pierre Bleue puts its staff and facilities at your disposal to ensure you have an efficient stay in a pleasant environment near the Gulf of Morbihan.
We also offer rental of the “Residence” for the weekend, with a capacity of up to 42 people, from €1,500.
For more information on rental conditions, please contact Marie, our “groups” specialist, on 02 97 45 23 28 or by e-mail at commercial@lapierrebleue .com